Fraught with Risk - Protection concerns of people on the move across West Africa and Libya - The Libya INGO forum
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Fraught with Risk – Protection concerns of people on the move across West Africa and Libya


Quick Facts

“Everything in life is about luck. Some people suffered heavily during this journey. Some didn’t suffer much, while others didn’t suffer at all. Everything in life is a matter of destiny. Something that works for one person may not work for another, so it’s all about luck.” 39-year-old man from Nigeria interviewed in Libya

• A total 2,941 refugees and migrants were interviewed by 4Mi in Libya, Niger and Mali between 1 June 2017 and 7 February 2018.
• 68% of respondents encountered one or more protection incidents during this time.
• A total 1,117 protection incidents occurred in Libya, accounting for 44% of all incidents reported to 4Mi. • Women are at greater risk of sexual violence. A total of 148 women encountered abuses including rape, indecent touching and verbal harassment.
• A majority of men reported multiple physical abuses including torture, beatings, flogging and sleep or food deprivation.
• Enduring multiple hardships, including dehydration, starvation and ill-treatment, at least 1,600 refugees and migrants died on the journey to Libya, of which 518 perished in desert areas of Sudan, Egypt, Niger and Libya.
• As protection violations along migration routes continue to increase, protection assistance is insufficient and inaccessible to most.

  • Organisation MMC
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