Multi-Sector Needs Assessment Libya November-December 2020 - The Libya INGO forum
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Multi-Sector Needs Assessment Libya November-December 2020


Of the households surveyed, 62% were IDPs, 27% returnees and the remaining 11% were non-displaced persons. Half of the IDPs assessed were living in camp or camp-like settings. Of the total number of households, 63% were not living in the current baladiyat before 2011. On average, there were 5.4 individuals per household and 6% of households were hosting individuals from another baladiyat.
The top priority needs identified by households were access to cash (28%), food (17%), medical care (16%), shelter support (11%) and employment (6%).
- Generally high awareness of key preventative measures such as handwashing
- High prices of soap and hand sanitizer prior to the conflict
- Healthcare workers are not sufficiently aware of international or national guidelines
- Primary health care facilities have insufficient access to medicine and equipment
- There is more profound food insecurity in the East, with 51% to 68% (in Benghazi and Ajdabiya) of families in food insecurity versus 27% in the West (Tripoli).
- 69% of households reported not having enough money to meet basic needs. The main reason is the liquidity crisis.
- 11% and 21% of households had respectively a poor or borderline Food Consumption Score based on the adjusted thresholds.
- 16% of assessed households had a r-CSI score greater than 19, indicating that they are resorting to severe coping strategies. A quarter of respondents reported having debt
- Unemployment reaches 69% within working-age household members, of which 78% are women
- access to drinking water from the public network in the Tripoli and Zintan is lower compared to Benghazi and Ajdabiya, water quality does not match national and international standard in particular in Benghazi
- 62% of households reported being unable to meet total water needs within the last month
- Across all respondents, 44% reported that bottled water was the main source of drinking water.
- FGDs reported that 70% of the wells were polluted by sewage water and are currently unsuitable for use.
- IDP households in camps and other vulnerable communities living outside city limits in particular do not have access to network water and rely on water trucking
- Poor solid waste management in some locations particularly in IDP camps
- High level of knowledge regarding handwashing and hygiene practices in general but limited access to hygiene related items including soap due to elevated cost
- High level of access to improved sanitation facilities
- 39% of IDPs responding and 12% of affected returnees need WASH assistance
- Almost three quarters of all respondents reported facing challenges to access health care
- Limited household financial capacity to access medical care and medication
- Assessed PHCs face challenges with water and electricity supply, with half suffering from daily power cuts and two-thirds lacking a functioning water source within the facility
- Assessed PHCs face issues with supply of medicine and medical equipment
- Healthcare staff have low technical capacities, with limited access to trainings and knowledge of relevant guidelines. Half of all interviewed healthcare staff reported never receiving any further training or capacity building since graduating from their formal education.
- Public healthcare facilities are perceived to be of inadequate quality

  • Organisation Action Against Hunger
  • Publication date