LIF MEMBERS - The Libya INGO forum
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The Libya INGO Forum is composed of the following INGOs:

Action Against Hunger

ACF – Action Against Hunger


Comitato Europeo per la Formazione e l'Agricultura

CEFA – Comitato Europeo per la Formazione e l’Agricultura

Cooperazione e Sviluppo

CESVI – Cooperazione e Sviluppo

Danish Refugee Council/Danish Demining Group

DRC Danish Refugee Council

Geneva Call

GC – Geneva Call

Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

WeWorld-GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

HALO Trust


Handicap International


International Medical Corps

IMC – International Medical Corps


International Refugee Council

IRC – International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Norwegian Refugee Council

NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council

Première Urgence International

PUI – Première Urgence International

Terre des Hommes Italy

TdH Italy – Terre des Hommes Italy



Médecins sans Frontière France

MSF France – Médecins sans Frontière France

Mixed Migration Centre




DRI Democracy Reporting International


International Detention Coalition (IDC)

PCI – Peaceful Change Initiative

Save the Children International

Super Novae

Un Ponte Per


International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent

ICRC – International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent

Action Against Hunger

ACF – Action Against Hunger

Action Against Hunger (ACF) is a global humanitarian organization that takes decisive action against the causes and effects of hunger all over the world. Conflict, climate imbalance, poverty and unequal access to water and care are just some of the causes of malnutrition. Our mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition, especially during and after emergency situations linked to conflicts and natural disasters. Action Against Hunger programmatic objective in Libya is to enhance resilience of conflict-affected populations and strengthen the access to basic services for the most vulnerable communities.


ACTED has been present in Libya since 2011, providing humanitarian assistance and support to the most vulnerable across the country, whilst also supporting nascent civil society, and local governance initiatives. From four bases across the country (Tripoli; Sebha; Benghazi; and Derna) ACTED’s humanitarian work focuses on providing emergency protection assistance to conflict-affected individuals; supporting vulnerable children with child protection and education activities; distributing multi-purpose cash assistance; and rehabilitating conflict-affected infrastructure.  Since 2011, ACTED has successfully implemented 66 projects in Libya, reaching over 500,000 direct beneficiaries.
Comitato Europeo per la Formazione e l'Agricultura

CEFA – Comitato Europeo per la Formazione e l’Agricultura

CEFA The Seed of Solidarity is a non-governmental organization that has been working for 50 years to overcome hunger and poverty. CEFA works in Libya since 2017, providing lifesaving assistance to the most vulnerable populations and supporting municipalities to enhance more inclusive and accessible basic services delivery. The main areas of intervention are in the North-West, where CEFA works in the sector of protection, NFIs and food security and in the South-West, where CEFA’s actions are focused on the sectors of health, WASH and environment.
Cooperazione e Sviluppo

CESVI – Cooperazione e Sviluppo

Cesvi is operating in Libya since 2011 as the first Italian ONG to act, in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, through humanitarian projects in Cyrenaica and Tripolitania. The aim was to support the population affected by the conflict to meet their basic needs. Over the years, Cesvi has developed relevant expertise on migration and has positioned itself as a Protection actor in the country by promoting the protection and resilience of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable Libyans. Cesvi has developed a consolidated expertise in General Protection, Child Protection, Gender Based Violence, through a set of activities aimed at preventing and responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against boys, girls, women, and men.
Danish Refugee Council/Danish Demining Group

DRC Danish Refugee Council

DRC has been operational in Libya since 2011, providing protection services to safeguard the dignity, safety, and wellbeing of Libya’s most vulnerable and at-risk populations, including migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), returnees, and host communities. DRC’s interventions include protection services, economic recovery, community safety and local peacebuilding, and Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA). DRC currently has offices in Tripoli and Benghazi, with a coordination office in Tunis.
Geneva Call

GC – Geneva Call

Geneva Call is a Swiss, neutral and impartial non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting respect of international humanitarian norms and principles in armed conflict. GC strengthens the respect of the law by armed actors and supports local communities in their efforts to improve their own protection. GC has been engaged in Libya since 2017 and focuses to maintain and reinforce the capacities of its local partners; and enhance direct and indirect engagement with armed actors and develop awareness and knowledge campaign of IHL principles. The respect of IHL in Libya serves the humanitarian community, as humanitarian access should be provided, and violations decrease in the long-term.
Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

WeWorld-GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

GVC has been operating in Libya since 2018 through the implementation of the following intervention sectors: humanitarian aid for host, displaced, migrant and refugee populations through projects promoting access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), primary health care and response to COVID-19; capacity building of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs); and promoting respect for Human Rights through integrated protection programming. GVC is currently working in the West and South of Libya with local partners and their activities are funded with the support of AICS, EUTF, SDC and CERF.

HALO Trust

The HALO Trust is the world’s largest and oldest international humanitarian mine action non-government organization (NGO). For over thirty years, we have been saving lives and helping war-torn communities recover, by making their land safe. Our mission is to protect lives and restore the livelihoods of those affected by conflict. HALO has been working in Libya since 2018, primarily on the manual and mechanical clearance of ammunition from destroyed urban centres such as Sirte.


Helpcode global mission is to support learning, training and education of girls and boys with innovative and concrete solutions for their physical and intellectual well-being, in every part of the world, in emergencies and in everyday life. With courage and transparency. Helpcode Libya delivers assistance from 2017. The sectoral focus is Health, Renewable Energy, Education, WASH and community infrastructures rehabilitation. The geographical focus is mainly Fezzan, with activities also in Tripoli, Western and Eastern Libya. Helpcode offices are in Tunis and Tripoli. Comprehensive Memorandum of Understating is in place with the GECOL and Helpcode has long-term partnership with reliable Libyan NGO partners .
Handicap International


From operational bases in Tripoli and Misrata, and Benghazi, HI is currently implementing a humanitarian and development programme, targeting persons with disabilities, injuries, chronic disease and other vulnerable persons and populations. Activities includes 1) Comprehensive rehabilitation services (physical therapy and PSS), including provision of assistive & mobility devices, directly and through health partners; 2) MHPSS services at community level, PHC level, and specialised institution, in partnership with Libyan MoH and Nebras, a Tunisian NGO; 3) Risk Education to conflict affected communities in south Tripoli
International Medical Corps

IMC – International Medical Corps

International Medical Corps has been providing lifesaving interventions for vulnerable populations in Libya since 2011, including healthcare, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), WASH, nutrition, and protection services. We continued focusing on relief programming, simultaneously strengthening the national systems through building the capacity of national stakeholders. Our current program includes responding to the flooding crises in Darna and the northeast of Libya through lifesaving multi-sectoral response. Visit our website for more information and read our recent situation report on the flooding emergency response.


INTERSOS is a non-profit, humanitarian aid organization working to provide immediate response, protection and durable solutions to populations affected by humanitarian crisis, assisting the most vulnerable groups, with a focus on internally displaced people and refugees. Originally set up as part of a broader program of the INTERSOS Migration Unit, created to provide a tailored response to the mixed migration phenomenon, INTERSOS Libya works in the country since 2018, providing emergency relief and social protection to all people of concern in Tripoli, Sabha and very soon Ajdabya. In these areas, the organization sets up a ‘one stop shop’ centre, where beneficiaries can access all protection and non-formal education services at once. To reach the most vulnerable niche of beneficiaries, the organization provides services adopting a combined static and mobile/outreach approach.
International Refugee Council

IRC – International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Since August 2016, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) provides vital health and protection to vulnerable and displaced Libyans, refugees and migrants caught in an increasingly unstable country. With a direct presence in Libya with two office in Tripoli, and Misrata and two suboffices in Khoms and Bani Walid, the IRC is focused on: providing critical healthcare in hard to reach places in western Libya; providing life-saving medicines to primary health clinics; where possible, providing a referral pathway for patients in urgent need; renovating primary health clinics which have been damaged during the civil war; and deploying experienced social workers to provide case management and psychosocial support in communities impacted by the conflict.
Norwegian Refugee Council

NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council

Since 2017, the NRC has been active in Libya, working alongside a range stakeholders and vulnerable groups including internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees, host communities, migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Last year alone, the NRC provided assistance to around 50,000 individuals across the country, delivering education, counseling, legal aid, shelter, water, sanitation, cash support, livelihood opportunities, and protection services. In the wake of recent floods in the East, the NRC has been working tirelessly to provide emergency and recovery assistance to affected communities in areas such as Derna, Shahat, Sousa, and other flood-affected regions. NRC response efforts also benefit communities in Tripoli, Benghazi, Ajdabiya, Misrata, and Tawergha with a focus on supporting   pathways for durable solutions and resilience for conflict and displacement affected communities. Currently, NRC has a dedicated team of over 135 staff members supporting operations across Libya.
Première Urgence International

PUI – Première Urgence International

Première Urgence Internationale has been present in Libya since 2017, particularly in Benghazi and the eastern coastal regions. Starting from 2019, the organization has extended its operations to Al Kufrah, located in the southeast of the country. Over the course of seven years in Libya, Première Urgence Internationale has established solid partnerships with local authorities and is acknowledged as a key player in the health sector in eastern Libya, benefiting 45,762 individuals in 2023. The interventions of PUI are centered on enhancing the resilience of the most vulnerable communities in Libya by improving their access to essential services. The activities of Première Urgence Internationale in Libya are based on an integrated approach that combines Health and Wash activities to promote the health and well-being of the targeted populations. In response to the unprecedented floods in September 2023 in the eastern region of the country, PUI has delivered healthcare services and WASH assistance. Concurrently, PUI remains committed to bolstering Libya’s healthcare system by providing technical training to Ministry of Health personnel working in Primary Health Care Centers and hospitals, rehabilitating numerous healthcare facilities, and supplying medical equipment and supplies.
Terre des Hommes Italy

TdH Italy – Terre des Hommes Italy

Terre des Hommes Italy (TDH-IT) is part of Terre des Hommes International Federation and currently operates in 21 countries with 105 projects. TDH-IT has been operating in Libya since 2018, implementing Education, Protection and Health interventions in favor of vulnerable children and families in South, West and Eastern regions in Libya. Main donors include the Education Cannot Wait fund (ECW), UNICEF, the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS), the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA).


CARE International is a 75-year-old global confederation working to fight poverty and social injustice in the world, with a specific focus on the empowerment of women and girls. We work side-by-side with communities to understand the root causes of poverty and find innovative, locally led solutions. CARE seeks to demonstrate the results and methodologies used in our projects to ensure transparency and accountability and advance the quality of our work. CARE Germany is part of the global federation and registered in Libya since March 2022.


REACH was first deployed to Libya in 2011 and 2012 to support the humanitarian response following the ousting of the regime. As conflict re-escalated, REACH was again deployed to Libya in 2015, and today the work of REACH focuses on multi-sector needs assessments and research programs investigating the impacts of migration flows in and to the country. Furthermore, REACH conducts regular market monitoring activities to map the impact of the economic crisis as well as to provide up to date information to the actors providing cash-based aid in the country.
Médecins sans Frontière France

MSF France – Médecins sans Frontière France

Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) is an international medical humanitarian association founded in Paris in 1971, and active in nearly 70 countries worldwide. MSF is an independent, neutral, impartial humanitarian organization that provides medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. MSF assistance to people is based solely on their needs, irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation. MSF began working in Libya in 2011, providing assistance to people affected by the conflict and supporting public health facilities in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH).In 2022, we provided medical care to more than 50,000 people in Tripoli, Misrata, Az-Zawya, Zuwara, Bani Walid, Nesma, Zletan and Khoms. Our teams provided general healthcare, mental health counseling, and sexual and reproductive health care in public health facilities, detention centres, prisons, and urban settings.
Mixed Migration Centre


MMC North Africa provides high-quality information and analysis on the mixed migration patterns and dynamics of people on the move, primarily from West and East Africa to and through countries in North Africa. MMC’s flagship data collection project ‘4Mi’ is implemented in Libya, and MMC’s primary objectives are to fill the knowledge gap on mixed migration in the region; to inform programming for refugees and migrants, particularly in the area of protection; and to inform policy-making around the rights and protection of people on the move.


AVSI has been working in this country since 2023 to contribute to a peace-building process by strengthening basic services and consolidating local institutions.



COOPI works in the most vulnerable contexts, supporting communities for recovery and long-lasting development. COOPI has been working in Libya since 2022 in the Governance and WASH sectors to improve the delivery and quality of services provided to the population, ensuring Libyan municipalities have the assistance and resources they need to improve the technical and administrative management of basic services.


DRI Democracy Reporting International

Democracy Reporting International(DRI) strengthens democracy by shaping the institutions that make it sustainable. We support local ways of promoting democracy with impartial analysis and good practices, bringing international standards to life. Democracy Reporting International (DRI) has been working on Libya since 2012, collaborating with civil society to increase public awareness of, and engagement in, the country’s democratic process.



The Institute for the University Co-operation (ICU) is an Italian NGO working in since 1966. Our aim is to encourage a widespread adoption of culture and the service of human development. Capacity building is the core of our activities. Since its establishment, ICU realized more than 500 projects in 44 countries around the globe, with accumulative budget of over 170 million euros. From 2018 on, we have been implementing health and emergency projects in Libya, with a special focus on strengthening the competencies on maternal health and birth assistance for Libyan health personnel.


International Detention Coalition (IDC)

International Detention Coalition (IDC) is a powerful global network of organizations, groups, and individuals based in over 75 countries who advocate to secure the human rights of people impacted by and at-risk of immigration detention.


PCI – Peaceful Change Initiative

Peaceful Change Initiative is a peacebuilding organisation striving for a world free from violent conflict. We work with communities and their leaders to confront the drivers of violent conflict and build the conditions that make sustainable peace possible. In Libya, we focus on supporting community-led peace initiatives with the skills and tools to prevent and resolve conflict. We aim to build trust within and between communities and between communities and institutions through inclusion, dialogue, and collaboration. This promotes an environment where people feel more secure and gives communities confidence in a shared future. We also advise international agencies, governments, and companies on how to achieve greater impact.




Save the Children International

Save the Children International registered with the Government of Tunisia in 2017 to provide a base to supporting limited programming in Libya. While SCI does not intend to programme inside Libya, it is recognized that it is enduring a humanitarian crisis for significant number of Libyans as well as non-Libyans migrants. Save the Children has been approached by key UN agencies to coordinate, support, and provide child protection best practice technical assistance to agencies programming in Libya. In addition, through the Migration and Displacement Initiative (MDI), Save the Children is also keen to look at opportunities to lead a north Africa regional diagnosis on migration focusing on children as well as consider trans-regional opportunities for potential programme work.


Super Novae

Super Novae is an international NGO specialized in youth economic empowerment in conflict affected countries. Involved in an eco-friendly, sustainable development policy, we aim to support the most vulnerable by linking employability, entrepreneurship, and positive impact on the environment. We are managing a portfolio of nearly 6 million € of multilateral and bilateral donors funded projects. Constantly caring about people, the climate and the future taken as an interdependent whole, we work in Libya, Yemen, Sahel and in South America.


Un Ponte Per

Un Ponte Per (UPP) is an international solidarity association and NGO founded in 1991, , the organization’s intervention has expanded to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa, the Balkans, and recently to Italy and Eastern Europe. The purpose of UPP is the prevention of armed and violent conflicts through information campaigns, cultural exchanges, cooperation projects, peacebuilding programs, and the construction of networks for social Justice. In 2022, Un Ponte Per initiated new solidarity initiatives in Libya and Tunisia, aiming to strengthen its intervention strategy in support of local civil society organizations.



Since 2012, SPARK has been developing a culture of entrepreneurship in Libya because the economy is struggling to transition from an oil-revenue and public sector-based economy, into one that encourages private sector growth. SPARK provides Libyan business-owners, particularly women, with access to capital, mentorship opportunities and training programmes to stimulate job creation and economic development.


International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent

ICRC – International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent

The ICRC has been present in Libya since 2011, supporting conflict-affected communities. This includes helping families know the fate of their missing loved ones; promoting the international humanitarian law, improving access to essential services such as healthcare, water, and electricity; supporting physical rehabilitation centers; and empowering communities with livelihood projects.